
What is Workflow Analysis?

Workflow analysis is a game-changer in the eLearning industry, ensuring projects run smoothly and efficiently. In this post, we’ll explore what workflow analysis is, best practices, essential tools, its application in eLearning courses, and a real-world scenario demonstrating its impact.

Workflow analysis is the process of examining and mapping out the steps in a workflow to identify inefficiencies and optimize productivity. In the context of eLearning, it involves scrutinizing the development and delivery processes of courses or programs to enhance effectiveness and learner engagement.

Best Practices in Workflow Analysis

  • Map the Entire Process: Start by documenting each step in your eLearning project. This visibility is crucial for identifying bottlenecks and redundancies.
  • Engage Team Members: Involve those who execute the workflow daily. Their insights are invaluable in identifying areas for improvement.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Define what you aim to achieve with the analysis – whether it’s speeding up course development, reducing costs, or improving learner satisfaction.
  • Use Data-Driven Insights: Rely on data to make informed decisions. Metrics can reveal hidden issues and validate the effectiveness of changes.
  • Implement and Review: After making adjustments, monitor the workflow to ensure the changes are yielding the desired results. Be prepared to iterate and refine.

Top 5 Tools for Workflow Analysis

  1. Asana: Excellent for task management and visualizing project workflows.

  2. Trello: Ideal for organizing tasks and monitoring progress in a kanban-style format.

  3. Lucidchart: Offers powerful diagramming capabilities for mapping out complex workflows.

  4. Monday.com: Great for tracking workflow progress and collaborative planning.

  5. Process Street: Useful for creating and managing workflow checklists, ensuring consistency in processes.

Workflow Analysis for eLearning Courses

Applying workflow analysis in eLearning involves scrutinizing course development stages – from content creation to delivery and feedback collection. It ensures that each component of the course is developed efficiently and effectively, leading to better course quality and learner satisfaction.

Scenario: Making a Compliance eLearning Course

Task: An eLearning team is tasked with developing a new online course within a tight deadline.


  1. Initial Analysis: The team starts by mapping out the current course development process, identifying time-consuming steps.

  2. Team Collaboration: They conduct brainstorming sessions to gather insights from instructional designers, content creators, and IT support staff.

  3. Objective Setting: The goal is set to reduce course development time by 30% without compromising quality.

  4. Implementing Tools: The team uses Monday.com to reorganize tasks and Lucidchart for visualizing a more streamlined process.

  5. Review and Adjust: Post-implementation, the team regularly reviews the new workflow. They find a 35% reduction in development time and an increase in team satisfaction.

Document Collaboration - In Summary

In conclusion, workflow analysis is a powerful tool in eLearning. It not only optimizes the course development process but also enhances the overall quality of learning experiences. By following these best practices, utilizing the right tools, and learning from real-world applications, eLearning teams can significantly improve their efficiency and effectiveness.